News from the Members
Sir Donald McIntyre's memoirs now published

Together with The Sir Donald McIntyre Trust, the Wagner Society of New Zealand arranged for the funding and publication of this book, not only as a way of honouring the society’s patron, but also as a way of celebrating its own twenty-fifth birthday.
During May and June, Heath and Liz Lees, the 1994 founding pair of President and Secretary, toured all four NZ centres with a retrospective presentation of the growth of the society since its inception, and launched the book into the wide Wagnerian sea with a review of Sir Don’s 50-year career, short readings from the book, and a showing of Peter Coates’ excellent 1974 film A New Zealander at Bayreuth about Sir Don’s many appearances in major Wagner roles during nearly two decades at the Festspielhaus.
The Auckland gathering welcomed about twenty of the McIntyre family and friends, and a family group from Nelson came to the Wellington meeting. This latter event was enriched by a ‘drop-in’ appearance from Simon O’Neill (tenor), who spoke with Heath Lees about Sir Don as his model and teacher. With typical generosity, he sang two Wagner items, with Heath at the piano.
The book has been very well received and sales are brisk, now passing the 200-mark.
You can read more about the book and about Sir Donald, and buy a copy from Nationwide Book Distributors New Zealand here.