© Bayreuther Festspiele, Walküre, Enrcio Nawrath 2019

Scholarship days

Wagner’s concept of his festival in Bayreuth was of a people’s festival, like those which took place more than 2000 years ago in Greece. Admission, as at those festivals, should be free. For obvious reasons, this was not possible, and so in 1882, a year before he died, he instigated a new form of ‘patronage’. This should at least offer ‘to talented friends of my art free admission to the festival and, in cases of need, re-imbursement of travelling costs and free accommodation’.

Nowadays the Wagner societies united in the International Association provide the necessary financial support to the Scholarship Foundation. The Society of Friends of Bayreuth also contributes funds. Every year 250 scholarship holders are awarded to applicants from all over the world. For 25 scholarship holders from cities of Central and Eastern Europe, west-European Wagner Societies took sponsorship.

The Bayreuth Scholarship Foundation exists to promote and develop the Bayreuth Festival concept. To achieve this aim, it offers, in accordance with its statutes, free admission to several opera performances to talented young musicians, singers or other stage artists, who may become qualified as members of the coming generation for the Bayreuth orchestra or stage. Evidence of talent is to be provided by the employing theatre, conservatory, music school or others. Applicants should not be over 35 years.

Applications are handled exclusively by chairpersons of Wagner societies. The decision on applications is made by the Board of the Scholarship Foundation early each year.

further information: www.richard-wagner-stipendienstiftung.de