Keynote Wagner
Keynote Wagner, first held in 2004, is the latest RWVI sponsored series of events and takes its place alongside the International Singing Competition for Wagner Voices (initiated in 1994) and the International Competition for Directing and Stage Design "The Ring.Award" in Graz (begun in 1997).The event features invited speakers, who are already known for their contributions to the selected theme of the Keynote and who have made a name for themselves by virtue of their publications. The event also welcomes young scholars to whom attention should be paid in future.
In contrast to the annual RWVI Congresses, participants will have the opportunity to converse with the speakers and with each other without the distractions of the tourist programmes and with no time limit or pressure.
The event was founded by Professor Eva Märtson, Gundula Benoit, Marcus-Johannes Heinz and Ilkka Paajanen for German-speaking participants. Schloss Fürstenried on the outskirts of Munich has proved to be the ideal permanent home for the Keynotes, as it offers not only an optimal environment for the event itself, but also offers a modern on-site guesthouse, assuring visitors a pleasant stay.
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