News from the Members
News from the Círculo Wagner Lisbon
Maria Teresa Cochito, who became President of this Wagner Society at the end of 2014, sent us this report, which makes for inspiring reading. After a few years of relatively low key activity, and very low membership, the newly elected Board under the leadership of Ms Cochito has galvanised the Society and they have leapt forward with a number of significant milestones.
A brand new and modern logo and image were commissioned and this has helped to raise the society’s profile among the public.
A programme of seven events was devised with the support of the Goethe-Institut Portugal for 2015 and these were well attended with very positive feedback. The society was invited to participate four times in radio programmes on the theme of “Richard Wagner’s life and work”, all of which proved to be excellent publicity. A new website is also under development.
And now, for the first time, the Círculo Richard Wagner will participate in the 2016 Stipendienstiftung in Bayreuth, sending as their first scholar a young Portuguese pianist. This is tremendously exciting and we look forward to welcoming Portugal to the joyful Stipendiatenwoche this August.
The crowning of the achievements was the foundation of a new Singing Competition Prize. The “Círculo Richard Wagner” has now associated itself with the Portuguese Rotary Foundation’s Singing Competition. This is currently the only lyrical singing contest in Portugal. The Goethe-Institute Portugal has also joined the initiative. The “Prémio Círculo Richard Wagner” will comprise two scholarships - „Trip to Bayreuth” to attend 3 operas at the Bayreuth Festival and participate in the Richard-Wagner-Stipendienprogramm and „Goethe-Institut-Stipendium”- an intensive German language course in one of the Goethe-Institutes in Germany.
Finally, the number of members of the” Circulo Richard Wagner” has risen from 35 on 1 January 2015 to 55on 1 January 2016 and is trending upwards. I am sure you will agree that this is a great achievement and congratulations to Maria Teresa on her enthusiasm, commitment and will to succeed.