The Richard Wagner Association of Singapore has a new President

At the 7th Annual General Meeting of the Richard Wagner Association of Singapore, its highly active President, Juliana Lim, stepped down to focus on other life priorities.
She will be remembered by all of us in the RWVI that know her as a dedicated Wagnerian, who used her considerable organisational and arts management skills to put this young South-East Asian Wagner Society on everyone's radar. Her most memorable achievement was to mastermind the extraordinary production of The Flying Dutchman, Singapore's first ever Wagner opera, in October 2016. Using young European singers for the lead roles, with Singaporean directors, chorus, conductor, orchestra and shadow cast, this was a magnificent occasion that will live on in the memories of those of us fortunate enough to attend in person.
Juliana was pro-active in the RWVI, attending our conferences regularly and networking highly effectively with the Board and representatives of many of our member societies and ensuring that they knew about the Singapore society and its activities. Always curious, questioning, cheerful and positive, she will be much missed.
The Board now welcomes her successor - John Gee - to the Wagner family. We look forward to meeting him in Innsbruck (where we will see Juliana for one last time in an official capacity) and we all wish him well in his new position.